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How To Know God

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Journal Entry




As A Child, No One Dies.

As a child
No one dies
Barbie and Ken's arms and legs could be reattached
G.I. Joe could be shot and never dent.
If a fish swam upside down, Mom would let it swim in the toilet
If a cat died, Mom said it ran away
As a child
No one died.
As a teenager,
Grandparents died
Friends at school died.
Only old people and unlucky kids died.
As a teen you were still alive and growing.
As an adult
Mom and Dad died
Aunts and Uncles died.
You had your kids and the rest of your life ahead of you.
As an old person
friends died.
You grew brittle and more fragile daily.
You were ready to die.
As an old person
No one seemed to care.
You withered away,
while children played with their toys
and adults looked forward to the rest of their lives.
As an old person,
You die.

Written by Jeremy for a project in his Freshman Honors English class (Sierra High School)

Last Updated August 3, 2008. Created January 24, 2000

All images and content found herein are property of unless otherwise noted. Images may be  used only by permission from All rights reserved. ©2008 J. Desmond

"How To Know God' from Greg Laurie/Harvest Ministries