Jeremy's Testimony Written by his family shortly
after his death; read at his funeral.
When he was a young boy, each night before bed,
Jeremy's mom would read him Bible stories and sing songs to him, such as,
"Jesus Loves Me." Jeremy loved this special time with his mom. One night
Jeremy was listening his tape of Christian Children's songs. The song that
he was listening to was, "Into My Heart, Lord Jesus." Jeremy asked his Mom,
what that meant. She said, "that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and
if you ask Jesus to come into his heart and you live for Jesus; Jesus will
never leave you." Jeremy said, "I want to do that!" So he prayed and asked
Jesus to come into his heart. Realizing the importance of that decision, Jeremy
said right away, "let's go tell Papa what I did."
Jeremy was saved at a young age. He always knew
the importance of the decision that he made that night. Jeremy always went
to church and Sunday School when he lived in California.
Jeremy loved to visit his Grandpa, Grandma and
Aunt Sarah in Ada (Okla.) Every Summer, Jeremy's mom and dad would put him
on the airplane in California for this visit to Ada. While in Ada, Jeremy
made many friends. Many are here today. Ada became Jeremy's second home. Jeremy
went to several Super Summer retreats with his friends from the Ada First
Baptist Church. During this time he made a recommitment of his faith in God.
After the Desmond family moved from California
to Missouri, Jeremy drifted away from the church. A Sunday job made attending
church services very difficult. Jeremy continued to come back to Ada to
visit his friends and relatives. Between his Junior and Senior year in high
school, Jeremy decided that he would like to finish high school in Ada. It
was a tough decision to leave his parents, but better opportunities in school,
sports, and future college education were in Ada. Jeremy graduated from Ada
High School in 1996. He then enrolled at ECU where he was a student at the
time of this death.
Typical of many young people, Jeremy had his
ups and downs in these tumultuous years of moving from a child to an adult.
He drifted farther away from regular church attendance, but always said,
"someday, I will come back to church and be baptized."
His salvation decision to invite Christ into
his life was never in question. He was secure in the knowledge that he was
going to Heaven.
During the last few years of his life, Jeremy
became a good friend to many people in Ada and at ECU. He touched many lives.
He had a genuine love for people and people loved him. His integrity was
above reproach. He worked hard and was starting to make strides into the
responsibilities of adulthood. His future was starting to look bright.
However, one weak moment has changed all of this.
Jeremy is now gone and will be missed by family and friends.
Is there a moral to Jeremy's story? Yes! Because
of the decision that Jeremy made in his bed many years earlier, Jeremy is
now in the presence of the living God. Gone from the body, but his spirit
is still alive with God. Those of you who know Jesus, will see Jeremy again.
Jeremy is alive and with Jesus, waiting for the rest of us who know and
trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior to come see him someday.
The final message that the Desmond family would
like to express to you is: Jeremy is alive, with God, and waiting for that
day when he can be reunited with his family and other believers of Jesus
Please honor him today, but considering the claims
of Jesus Christ, as Savior of the World, and make your decision, just as Jeremy
did many years ago.
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