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Journal Entry




Undeserving Sorrow, Overcoming Grace

By Kevin Cantrell

The world and all of it's clutter stops.
It presents such an unfathomable loss.
Pain like a sword pierces my heart.
I weep till I can no longer cry.
I morn for awhile and run from truth.
Undeserved sorrow consumes all I am.
I cry out to no one, I can't understand.
A life so precious with so much ahead.
Questions with no answers, but sorrow upon sorrow.
The world has taken my by surprise.
So I turn from it and look within myself.
I accept the truth that never has left.
Strangely I feel comfort in that truth.
I can only explain it as spiritual peace.
Vulnerable to the world, and all of its sin,
I curl up in a ball and You hold me.
I can't fully understand all that I believe.
But I have peace in knowing that You are here.
Death presents such a morbid tribulation,
Yet I have courage, for You have overcome death.
So questions pour from my heart, and I cry.
Questions that need no answer, but grace upon grace.
Grace undeserved, yet overcoming all of my pain.
In this confusion called life, Your grace is sufficient.
To know grace you need not know loss, but peace.
Grace is an unmerited gift, available for all.
Grace is what allows death to be an extension of life.
Not life as we know it, but life as love and worship.
Life in a place that can only be described as perfect.
Death's wake of pain left behind; conquered.
The world in all of it's clutter, I stop and watch.
Why me God? Why do I deserve this grace?
I weep for all of my shortcomings.
I want God to use me for His purpose.
I want to show the world His grace.
I give all my sorrow to You God.
I give all of my pain to You God.
I give all of my happiness to You God.
I give all of myself to You Father.
I go into the world with all confidence.
I am chosen, protected, loved, saved.
Saved from going through life on my own.
And I thank You!

Kevin Cantrell graduated from Ada High School with Jeremy in 1996. He wrote this poem shortly after attending Jeremy's funeral.


Last Updated August 3, 2008. Created January 24, 2000

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." -- Colossians 2: 1-3

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"How To Know God' from Greg Laurie/Harvest Ministries