Jeremy's Biography

Straight From The Heart

Jeremy's Bulletin Board

Desmond Stories

How To Know God

Memorial Tree @ ECU

Journal Entry



A Letter from the Family

Dear Friends and Family:

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heart felt gratitude for all the cards, phone calls, and letters of sympathy following the death of our son, Jeremy.   Your response has overwhelmed us.   We also wanted to briefly share some of the events that happened to Jeremy and our family during this time.

On January 14th,  his heart broken by the rejection of a girl he cared for deeply, and his mind clouded by the use of excessive alcohol, Jeremy took his own life.  It was spontaneous; no one could have possibly foreseen it.  Conversations with his friends and family earlier in the evening gave no indication of Satan’s impending attack.   A friend left him off at his apartment at about 1:50 a.m. When another friend arrived at 2 a.m., the deed was already done.   Jeremy hung himself from the balcony outside of his second story apartment.

Our grief is great and the emptiness left by Jeremy’s absence will remain with us the rest of our earthly lives.   However, what Satan meant for evil, God has turned into good.  Many  of Jeremy’s friends and acquaintances have already made life changing decisions.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented in its powerful simplicity to over 350 people at his funeral.

It is our hope and prayer that more lives will be changed.   We know that Jeremy did not die in vain.  Please continue to pray for young people everywhere as the pressures of the world seem greatest upon them.   We are still hearing of wonderful things happening as a result of God’s work through this untimely event.  We pray that many more people will find peace with God.

We are doing well.  This is not because of our own strength, but by the mighty power of our loving God.  We know that God had the power to intervene, but instead allowed Satan to have an influence on Jeremy.  God  knew that Satan’s influence was only temporary. God knew that He would use this to reach others with the good news that Jesus died for our sins.  Jeremy had accepted the free gift of salvation offered by God.  We have absolute assurance that Jeremy is with our Heavenly Father at this very moment awaiting our great reunion with him.  God is good, all the time, in all situations and His love for us is unconditional.   His plan is perfect for those who put their faith and trust in Him.

We have enclosed a copy of Jeremy’s testimony, written by us, which was read at the funeral.  We hope you will take the time to read it and consider the message.

Thank you again for your love and kindness.

Jim, Janell and Julie Desmond.


 Last Updated August 3, 2008. Created January 24, 2000

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." -- Colossians 2: 1-3

All images and content found herein are property of unless otherwise noted. Images may be  used only by permission from All rights reserved. ©2008 J. Desmond

"How To Know God' from Greg Laurie/Harvest Ministries